Dim Donnie Didn’t Get It

Leslie Butler
3 min readDec 30, 2020
Image Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

So Rupert Murdoch is pretty pissed at DJT. His New York Post screams the headline, “STOP THE INSANITY”. Meanwhile, Rupert and Trump are heading for an acrimonious divorce. Considering the bloviated egos involved, it’s shaping up to be a dandy. But why the falling out?

America’s chump-in-chief apparently didn’t get the memo, the one about how two parties are really one party, about how elections are theatre and the script must always be followed. But Dim Donnie didn’t get it, that you’re supposed to have a peaceful transfer of power to the –nudge, nudge, wink, wink, — “other” party. Not blow the whole election fiction to smithereens.

It was all fine and good when the Nutcase from New York was careening along in his clown car giving billionaires tax breaks, protecting corporations from COVID liability, attacking union elections, health care, social security, environmental protection, immigrants, workplace safety — you know, everything decent.

Things got a little iffy when the Cretin from Queens blew the COVID response and the economy tanked. But that’s okay, the billionaires got a grotesque share of relief and profited nicely from the misery of their fellow citizens being warehoused in mobile morgues. Besides, the shit gibbon’s steady stream of demented Tweets that the corporate media slopped up like dripping red meat was always a good distraction from the steady upward transfer of wealth.

But the election was the thing. More specifically, the Moron from Mar-a-Lago’s loss and his maniacal fixation with overturning the result was the thing. It was dangerously off script. The billionaire’s Frankenstein was on the loose. Out of control. Blathering the quiet part out loud in all directions at once.

Trump and the clods that follow him are the court jesters, the fools who unwittingly speak the truth. Elections are theatre. America is an oligarchy. The rule of law is a sick joke for losers. America is exceptionally stupid and racist. The shining city on the hill is an insane asylum for diseased old white men to spread destruction to every corner of the planet.

The oligarchs need the rosy fiction about the great American experiment. They need it badly. And Trumplandia has blown their cover. So Murdoch is freaking out.

Since the American ship of state has been veering toward the shoals for a long time, the last line that tethers people to the hold is the idea that American elections are a pitched battle between two parties with opposing political ideologies and economic policies. That people have the power to choose.

Americans will not give this idea up easily because an abyss opens up so deep and dark that they recoil in horror. Now, they’re in grave danger of realizing they’ve been living in this horror flick since the beginning.

As Faulkner said, we cling to that which robs us. And Donald Trump is making it mighty hard to keep clinging.



Leslie Butler

Dog lover, parent, citizen. Interested in constructs and rhetoric in everyday life.